Ariana`s Boys

Ariana`s Boys

This is a puppies themed scavenger hunt game intended for Primary school, and played Around home and back yard.
Created for the boys at a butterfly party for my 5 yr old daughter. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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Downloaded: 1 times

puppies scavenger hunt background
Collect all the cool stuff that you find. Put them in this bag to keep for all time! :-)
The sun, the sun! It will hurt your eyes!! Find your shades to stay alive! They could be hidden anywhere, but maybe the wagon will have some to share!
If you want to scout tigers, you must blend in. Find your hat on the front porch and try to stay hid.
If you see a feather or two flying free, snatch them up! They're yours to keep!
They're cool, they're wild, and they're easy to see: go by the swing and get your slinky
Are you brave? Find a bug that's worth a save! If you're not, add something interesting to what you've got.
What good is a scout who can't keep a look out? You need binoculars. Venture to the hen house if you dare; hopefully you will find them there
There are just a few special tigers hiding, find one of these and earn a prize for your finding!
How will you defend yourself in time of attack? Gotta go get your water gun stick from around back
Now take those sticks and put them to use! I know of a butterfly you could abuse! Take time to explore and find candy galore!

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We want you to enjoy this game for free. Games created on this website can be printed for free and used for non-commercial purposes (as long as you don't charge money for them). Using them as a means to promote your business or institue is also OK. In case you post one of our games on a website, you are required to include some kind of written credit and a link to The clipart used on this website are public domain images. If you find that a page on this site infringes the copyright of yourself or of others, please contact us and we will promptly remove it.

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