Amelias 30th scavenger hunt

Amelias 30th scavenger hunt

This is a happy-birthday themed scavenger hunt game intended for Adults, and played Around town.
Amelia kilioni ur mission is to complete all missions with photographic evidence. Please take ur time and enjoy ur company. Deano is the only person permitted to accompany you just this game to ensure u remain on the right track. Have fun please be at ur final destination at 8pm sharp. . It is totally free to download, enjoy

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happy-birthday scavenger hunt background
Your first mission today starts at 10am sharp. Head to a place you grew up at 5 days a week. Take a photo and collect your first clue.
Head south to a town so near, take the cemetery road to a garden so beautiful & take in sights. Take a photo of the lake, collect your next clue.
Head back north to a restaurant that is near for a paid for lunch for 6 Take a photo of your meal and collect your next clue.
A meal enjoyed its now time for a walk. Head to a location in town with a lake commonly used for dog walkers. Walk the lake take a photo and collect your next clue.
Now departing the lake head to where golf balls fly. Also a hotel so try not to cry. Go to reception and collect your next clue.
Leave the location and head to a shop which sells boquets of flowers. Awaiting your next gift and your next clue.
Almost there Amelia Depending what the time is. Go somewhere from your past, a place that truly made you happy. Take a photo and rest.
Time for dinner. A romantic table is reserved for two. Location in town opposite cinema.
Head home to your house and on you bed waiting is the last of your clues to your celebration. Shower and Put it all on and move on to final destination.
Final distination you finally made it. Head to where your mum celebrated her 50th. Don't 4get to smile.

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