Brownie camp teka

Brownie camp teka

This is a winter themed scavenger hunt game intended for Primary school, and played Out in nature.
winter fun. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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winter scavenger hunt background
We can make a snowmen and have a snowball fight. But there is something else that is just out of sight.
Sometimes I flow quietly, sometimes I roar down like a lion and sometimes I can be a solid as a rock.
It is outside I can make you warm on a cool night. I can help you song at though the night.
stand at the back of the long house and walk to the farthest point turn left and go in too the opening.
I once could stand so really high . But when the wind came by. Now my roots are upside down.
I like mosquito and I fly at night. In the day time I sleep in this, What am I ? You need to find me
we use this to hang our flag so proud . we sing our song so very loud.
Go to the tree with needle's of three.
When Camp is done . It's that time we spend each one of us think of the good time we had.
we need to split it and sack it up so high. to give it a chance to dry.

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