Company HS

Company HS

This is a summer themed scavenger hunt game intended for Adults, and played Around home and back yard.
Scav Hunt. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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summer scavenger hunt background
Our CEO is by far the best! Write his first and last name and you have passed this test!
Talent is fierce at this HS corporate location...a great place for a country music vacation!
A core value is a treasure for sure, and one of HealthStream's is our __________ Culture!
Shake the hand of HealthStream's Receptionist, and you will meet a gold medalist!
The HR Department is always good for a treat! Bring me a sample and this task will be complete :)
Our IC Sr. Director BELIEVES IN YOU and is the leader you can turn to! Write her first and last name.
How many Employee-Driven Teams at HealthStream? Please sign up for an extreme dream!!!
The home stretch...a few more items to fetch: PAPERCLIP, PAPER TOWEL and POST-IT NOTE!
Many of these are in the IC, but only one leads the Safety Committee (a 'he'). What is the job title?
You have completed the hunt! We wish you success galore as you step through the HealthStream door!

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We want you to enjoy this game for free. Games created on this website can be printed for free and used for non-commercial purposes (as long as you don't charge money for them). Using them as a means to promote your business or institue is also OK. In case you post one of our games on a website, you are required to include some kind of written credit and a link to The clipart used on this website are public domain images. If you find that a page on this site infringes the copyright of yourself or of others, please contact us and we will promptly remove it.

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