Daisy Camp Out

Daisy Camp Out

This is a spring themed scavenger hunt game intended for Primary school, and played Around home and back yard.
Fun missions to practice what we. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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spring scavenger hunt background
We are celebrating an important anniversary of Girl Scouts. Find something that is the same number.
Juliette's nickname was Daisy. Find a Daisy and sing "Happy Birthday to You!"
Girl Scouts have a flag ceremony that we will be learning. Find a flag and sing, "It's a Grand Old Flag"
In Girl Scouts, we are very involved in making the world a better place. Pick up and throw away 5 pieces of trash.
Find something green in honor of the anniversary and "Go Green" theme.
Juliette Gordon Low wanted girls to get involved in more physical activity - do 10 jumping jack, crunches and push ups.
Stand with your back to the golf course. Use your compass to walk 3 steps East, then 3 steps North, 3 steps West, 3 steps South
Girls Scouts are "sisters to every girl." Break into pairs and tell your partner one thing you like about them.
On Tuesday we are bridging from Daisies to __?____. Find some of these and some milk and enjoy a snack.
Form a circle, place your right arm over left and pass a friendship squeeze to the left. Wish to find the last clue.

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