Dragon Treasure

Dragon Treasure

This is a dragons themed scavenger hunt game intended for Everyone, and played At the park.
For community league fantasy event.. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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dragons scavenger hunt background
1. Go to Craft Tent. Each team member must make one item to wear (crown, necklace, sword, shield, etc.
2. Come up with a team name and chant that fits festival theme. Sing chant to BBQ cooks.
6. Go to Playground Committee and share one thing you would like to see in your community playground.
3. Go join the knights - learn three things about being a knight. Try a new skill.
7. Look for Wizards' scroll hidden in the treeline on the west side of the park.
4. Go to Popcorn vendor and share Knight's knowledge. Pick up some popcorn while you are there.
8. Find the roaming wizard in mustard robes and listen to a tale.
5. Go to Marketplace and talk to 4 vendors to find out what their business is about.
9. Follow his clue to your last stop. Congratulations you have found the dragon's treasure.

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