EMS around town

EMS around town

This is a halloween themed scavenger hunt game intended for Adults, and played Around town.
Local landmarks used to familiarize squad members with streets . It is totally free to download, enjoy

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Downloaded: 17 times

halloween scavenger hunt background
I am the residence most often visited by Aeru. I am creative with my complaints.
23 33=Boats docked at a club. There is a light to guide you home.
Our squad chief's mom lives on this road... you will be looking for box #8207. May the winds be fair and favor the meadows.
A favorite eating establishment. Healthy and supposed to help you lose weight
The pic should give it away... Run...Run..Run Clue will be on the street sign.
I run off the road that is named for the church that sits at the head of the street. I am not very long and sit on a ridge. clue at road sign.
This is definitely a road you don't want to transverse in bad weather. A "Tree House" used to mark the top of the road. You want the bottom intersection for your next clue.
This road is part Dutch and has a concrete wheel at the head of the road.
Your next destination is very "tall" and strong like "oak". This drive is home to Mark Lane. Box # 4777
"________" Fawcett is the next Drive you will be looking for. Clue on street sign.

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