

This is a pirates themed scavenger hunt game intended for Teenagers, and played Around school.
English. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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Write down 3 reasons or ways people use commas. They must come from your class handout. Give 1 example of each of the uses. Do 5 pushups. Go to the basketball court.
Explain OREO to another person You must explain -what it stands for, its purpose & how it helped you this term. Run the perimeter of the court pretending you're an olympian doing a victory lap.
This term you reflected on your grades. Write down 3 ways you intend to improve your English grade next term in sentences. Hop on one leg to the middle of the field.
Do either a handstand, cartwheel, 10 sit-ups or a funny dance. Write down 10 nouns, 3 pronouns and 4 verbs 2 adjectives, 1 proper noun. Go and stand under a nearby tree.
While you enjoy the leafy shade, stand on your tiptoes and write the name of one book you read recently.. backwards. Walk backwards (carefully) until you get to the nearest staircase.
At the staircase write two sentences that are 'missing' apostrophes. Get someone to correct them in your book using signals & hand gestures not words. Walk up the staircase.
At the top of the staircase do 5 ab crunches or 10 star jumps while smiling like a clown. Write down the meaning of the following words: tragic, logic, relief, omit, sarcastic, (you may use a dictionary) dance back to the classroom door with your group.
At the door write an exciting introduction to a story about your day (you can change it from real life). It must be 4 sentences long & contain AT LEAST 4 adjectives, 2 nouns and a verb. Act like your favourite animal and move into the middle room.
In the middle room pretend to do yoga while you try to write a surprise ending to that story you started. Include at least: 4 sentences, 1 number, 1 apostrophe, 2 commas, 1 question mark. Go to the board in Mrs Coulter's room.
Do 10 lunges Write down 2 things you learnt in business class this term & how they will help you in life. Do 10 squats. You're finished!! Well done!! Check your work & show me.

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