Girl Scout African American Scavenger Hunt

Girl Scout African American Scavenger Hunt

This is a ancient-egypt themed scavenger hunt game intended for Primary school, and played Around town.
I created this game for our sovereign to Savannah. The girls are working towards earning their African American patches.. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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ancient-egypt scavenger hunt background
This square is the place of the old slave burial grounds.
During the Jim Crow era, this was the only square blacks could use. It%u2019s a historically black neighborhood.
This was the site of Savannah%u2019s slave market, where people were sold.
This square has a monument dedicated to the largest unit of Soldiers of African descent who fought in the American Revolution.
It was one of the city%u2019s original four squares, it pays tribute to the Girl Scouts.
For a long time this was the center of Savannah%u2019s black population. The 2nd African Baptist Church is near.
This church was founded in 1773. It is the oldest black church in the US and served as a stop on the Underground Railroad.
This is where General Sherman signed Special Field Order #15 which stated that each family would receive 40 acres of land and a mule.
Here stands a bronze statute of a family with broken chains at their feet. Who is the author who wrote the inscription?
In this church Gen. Sherman issued his famous Field Order #15, granting the newly freed slaves "40 acres and a mule."

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