I know more about the LAB!!!!

I know more about the LAB!!!!

This is a brain-science themed scavenger hunt game intended for Teenagers, and played other.
This scavenger hunt will test what you have learned about the lab.. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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brain-science scavenger hunt background
Tell the coolest ladies in the building that you need to collect a CBC and HgA1c.
Although this item is not a knife it contains sharp items.
This is item starts off white but will turn to red after you use it.
Whenever you can not feel it you must turn it or tighten it.
If I "see you pee" then you must be using this for this test. 
I hate getting my hands dirty and I definitely don't want to catch nothing so i better put on these.
If I stand in the middle of the lab and look up i see 9 lights but there are only 8 of these.
Stick you right hand on you Right hip and your left on on your left hip and now you are a potamus... 
I love the HUBba bubba gum... also know as this.....
When you have completed everything you must remember what letter comes after N but before P and tell me what that is....(Not just the letter)

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