Library Sleepover Scavenge Hunt

Library Sleepover Scavenge Hunt

This is a summer themed scavenger hunt game intended for Teenagers, and played Around school.
I created this game for a group of middle schoolers spending the night in the school library. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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summer scavenger hunt background
There is a place in The Grove, so full of trees, Where you can walk a path to put your mind at ease.
I am next to Alumni Avenue, and to the field house. If you want to play on me, you need a bat and a ball.
Tag? Chatting? Hiding? Rock climbing? Spinning? Ziplining? What was your favorite way to use this tool?
Inch by inch, row by row, We're friends and were gonna make this ______ grow.
In the lower school, there is one man in charge. His office has has a great view. take a picture of this view, with you!
When Matt stands here and sings Let it Snow! Back to sleep we all go!
You need a picture with scientific tools Figure out how to get one, you are no fools!
Kevin Matson works up high after school, Tony Pirrucello works down here as the heat of the day cools.
What year will you graduate? Where, on the fence, will your year find its place. Not sure about that now, but you can find 2008.
A grave in The Grove?!? Look in the southeast corner, do not be scared!

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