Office scavenger hunt

Office scavenger hunt

This is a puppies themed scavenger hunt game intended for Primary school, and played Around home.
All of these clues pertain to something found in the office. First (3) with the correct answers, will win a special treat!!! Report to I.T. when finished!. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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puppies scavenger hunt background
It's sometimes sharp And good at being lead Using this will help Things to be read!!!
Rectangular or square It's good for sticking Somewhere on your desk So you don't forget that thing!!!
It may have pi But eaten it can't be Use its root before nine And you'll get three!!
Contrary to my name I am not a queen. Hold me up to things though and their length is seen!!!
It goes before "food" For things we routinely eat In an office it has two bent legs But never any feet!!
This item has handles But it isn't a car It has pointy ends But it isn't a star!!
This type of pen sounds like What you may put in your hair If you need to mark things This is what you'd use there!!!!
It isn't a coat hanger But is made of wire that's bent For attaching emergencies This item's heaven sent!!!
Its contents are wet They sound like they come from a squid When putting one in your pocket make sure you attach its lid!
If you make a mistake This will wipe it away But not with pens Used that way ink will stay!!

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