Out and about hunt

Out and about hunt

This is a birthday-party themed scavenger hunt game intended for Teenagers, and played Around home and back yard.
I made this for my son. It is totally free to download, enjoy

Rating: 5 out of 5 with 2 ratings
Downloaded: 4 times

birthday-party scavenger hunt background
GET JESSIKA to take a picture of the two tallest team members hugging a stop sign.
***BRING CARMEN**Take a picture of a license plate that has a "J" on it. And one that has a "Y" in it. (stay on Windfield st)
**DECK** use spoon to carry one egg from one end of the deck & back, All of team must complete!And if you break an egg you start over!
***FRONT YARD***Water balloon challenge. All team members will pick a partner and stand facing eachother. Tossing balloon and then taking a step back.
*REWARD*Find the Queen's lost giant diamond ring!Somewhere in the YARD around the house. When you find it bring it to James' mom for a reward!
Find the man with the longest beard at the house and ask him for a drink. Remember to be polite!
PICTURE MIX UP, on kitchen table there are the pieces of 5 photos, take pieces and match up to make all pics whole again.
Find James' mom in the Garage. Take turns putting on the blindfold and finding the paperclip in the rice!
**Located in upper living room on coffee table**..Make your best guess, How many candies in the jar? WINNER TAKES ALL!
**BAGGO GAME*** Play the toss game. Take turns with bean bags until everyone has made it in three holes!!

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