This is a happy-birthday themed scavenger hunt game intended for Adults, and played Around home.
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happy-birthday scavenger hunt background
The head of house retires here to get some peace and rest.
I watch what you call Boob tube, idiot box, everyday.
It seems our wardrobes just keep returning to this same thing.
Communicate with family, research, shop, and play games. Since this invention swept the globe, our lives have really changed.Communicate Communicate with the world,research, shop, and play games.
I created a journey when families ate around the table.
I created the world of magic which you are yet to explore.
You thought magic was easy to learn! I only appear when the dark overcomes...
Just when you thought it was all done... there's more to overcome! 10 mins by tractor here I come.
You wanted to rise and shine then today is the time...
Today is the day where there's no speed limit.

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