Sand with no surf

Sand with no surf

This is a pirates themed scavenger hunt game intended for Primary school, and played Around home and back yard.
Pirate treasure hunt. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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pirates scavenger hunt background
Sand with no surf is the name of this game, a treasure at end for you to claim.
Begin this search where you might greet a friend, or hang up at visits end...
Move through two gates to the outer deck and give your laces a double-check. Follow the lights diagonal down and head to the south where a bath is found.
Along the links follow with care and all too soon the treasure you'll share. Look to the east for a metal grown bed along a stone wall and heed all I've said.
Now to the north all of you walk along the path began with a stalk. Past the steps whence the end halts pause right there to collect all your thoughts.
Turn toward the right, for easy to see, you will now travel to the mid tree. Leaf overhead now take a stroll down the ditch bank to the light pole.
Follow the path of the downed sun, for all of your work has been more like fun. By brick and by link your treasure is found past the spiked flowers of round.
Through the last gate and close it behind, back to the left your bounty to find. At the back of the house at porch's edge close to the ground all around the hedge.
Look through the grass for color of red, sand with no surf as you see at the head.
Now go and collect, your search at an end, and please don't forget to share with your friends!

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