Identify different types of: Birds, Leaves, Trees, Flowers, Plants |
Identify different types of: Birds, Leaves, Trees, Flowers, Plants |
Draw a picture of a: Tree, Flower, Butterfly, Bird, Animal |
Listen to: Leaves under your feet, Wind in the trees, Sound of a bee, Birds singing, Cricket |
Do a leaf rubbing |
Feel: Tree bark, Prickly plant, Wet mud, Rotten wood, Wind blowing on face, Texture of various rocks |
Smell: Pine tree, Flower, Mud, Green grass, Fresh air |
Watch: Spider web w/insect, Ant moving something, Wind blowing the leaves, Clouds going by, For something funny, For something unusual, Sunlight coming through trees |
Wild Flowers, Dead tree, Pine cone Berries, Blade of grass, Clover leaf, Moss, Pine tree, Seeds or seed pod |
Eroded soil, Smooth/shiny Rock, Mud, Grain of sand, Fern, Y-shaped twig, Pine needles, Acorn or other nuts, Tree with blossoms, Hole in a tree |
Dark or light green leaf Fungus on a tree Worm, Caterpillar, Squirrel, Ant, Snail, Beetle, Feather Ladybug, Birds nest |