Scavenger Hunt for Friend * Partner

Scavenger Hunt for Friend * Partner

This is a summer themed scavenger hunt game intended for Pre literate kids, and played other.
Follow the mission. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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summer scavenger hunt background
I am a food item that can be eaten, if you like me... I am great with Peanut Butter & Jelly! Find a play food item of me.... What room am I in? Answer: ______________
Find a rubber duck that is painted gold and pretty to hold. (BONUS) Hint: we only have "TWO" Where am I? Answer: __________
You play with me all alone and sometimes in small groups. You can create things with me...Find one and keep one in the Zip Loc Bag.
Shoot "Two" Basket Balls in the Basket Ball Hoop to move on...
Ask someone for a "Nickel" or a "Dime" that you can have. Place it in you Zip Loc Bag.
Find a "Band Aide" and stick it on your Forehead! Leave it there until you are through with the Treasure Hunt.
Find your favorite teacher or person and give them a kiss on the cheek, have them write their name on your Band Aid : )
You can find me both inside & out. I am pretty and I smell good too.... Place me in you hair or pocket.
Find a "pencil", a "painted art work" that you did, and a "Daily Report" belonging to you. place in your Zip Loc Bag!
Take a picture of yourself with a "Friend"

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