Sunny morning hunt

Sunny morning hunt

This is a fairies themed scavenger hunt game intended for Primary school, and played Around home and back yard.
Kids b-day party. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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Downloaded: 1 times

fairies scavenger hunt background
Write down 5 things that are yellow!
Look in the garage and find things that spell the word C-O-R-R-Y-N.
Find a hidden envelope in the yard and do as directed!
Find the hidden bag of Wine Gums and divide them up evenly and enjoy!
Take a picture of your team!!
Stand in the green wagon and record yourselves singing Happy Birthday to Corryn!
Come to the kitchen, find the glasses on the kitchen table and have a race to drink the fastest!!
Find a flip flop, pick one team member to put it on, hop on one foot in a circle while patting tummy!
Each of you collect 5 different kinds of leaves and show them to Linde.
Find a little door and there will be your hidden treat!!

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