Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt

This is a birthday-party themed scavenger hunt game intended for Adults, and played Out in nature.
Birthday game . It is totally free to download, enjoy

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Downloaded: 21 times

birthday-party scavenger hunt background
You are going on a birthday treasure hunt ! For your first clue - you are about to get wet - don't forget to take off your shoes! Happy crossing & birthday!
Now for the fun to begin! If mom were a hunter :) what would she use as her primary weapon! Good luck:)
L_n_rd Sk_n_rd "Big wheels keep on turning"
Grab your helmets - grab the keys - head out to the quad - we are going for a ride - WEEeeeEE!
Your next mission - hop on together & head to where justin & josh spent there entire childhood! Have fun you 2!
Phfewf you made it! Now for your next clue ! Head to the device that ancient civilizations used to tell time? _ _ _ D _ _ _
This place is frequented on this very day! You missed the service - but better late than never they always say!
You may be really getting this down! Head home search the backyard - your next balloon surely wants to be found !!!
You certainly don't want to walk over one of these so hop in the car! The old wives tale goes "you may want to hold your breath on the way by."
You've almost found your treasure arrr matey! There's only one GAGE that will tell you where you will be going next!

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