Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt

This is a winter themed scavenger hunt game intended for Everyone, and played Around home.
Finding money with the clues and pictures. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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Downloaded: 2 times

winter scavenger hunt background
This you will find on the poop deck. To the right there is a black treasure box which has 6 portals that hold your treasure inside.
Here on the flush decker you will find an envelope with your name, hold it tight or it'll becomes someones game.
Here on the Bridge deck near the North Pole you will find your treasure awaiting.
This treasure is hidden where no man has gone before, You cannot see, but feel the depths of the ocean to get your bag of loot.
The Crow's nest holds your next treasure. This you will find in a Navy blue sock.
This creature is spikey and a little bit prickely, the loot is inside but be ware she might be hungry.
The Captain has your treasure. He will gladly give it to you with a gesture of love.
The captains wife holds a lump of treasure, but she doesn't give up easily, so be strong, the ship comes with many storms.
The Ships Mascot Samson holds your treasure above.
Captain Hook holds the last of your treasure but beware, he may ask you to walk the plank to get it.

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