Wild Water Scavenger Hunt

Wild Water Scavenger Hunt

This is a marine-mammals themed scavenger hunt game intended for Primary school, and played Around school.
I created this game as the `hook` to the start of a class project about rivers and water.. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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marine-mammals scavenger hunt background
In your group, decide a fair way to take turns leading each mission. Give yourselves a number and make a label for yourselves!
First mission: Find an Atlas and come up with the names of at least 10 rivers. They can't be from the same country!
Ask your group about their favourite time spent near the water. Seaside, lakes, rivers...Sketch each person and bullet point what they did!
Ask and adult! Find any adult and ask them their best water-based memory. Sketch them and write a speech bubble for what they said.
As a team, pretend you are some kind of water creature and act out moving around the playground as that creature. Get an adult to take a picture of you doing that! Write the creature's name in your book.
Use the ICT suite to find out the name and length of the longest river in the world. Record these in your book - add other facts if you wish!
Using A3 paper, draw a wonderful sketch of a river scene on a summer's day. Each member of the group can help - colour or collage as you wish!
ICT suite! Find out about any flooding that has happened in this country. Write about ONE event only - remember to include details such as date and location...
Do you know any songs about water? Perform a short part of it to another group! If you get stuck, ask other groups for help!
Find your Topic books! Create an amazing title page: WILD WATER! Use pencil crayon to illustrate it - neatly!

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